Saturday 9 November 2013

Givin' Me Goosebumps

I know the Halloween season is over and the world has thrown itself into the Christmas frenzy but Halloween and I have a hard time letting go of each other and I don't like to even think of Christmas until it's December and Remembrance Day has passed us by. That being said, I had planned on this skirt being finished by the second week of October, but things don't always work out as planned, and it was finished yesterday.

Originally, it wasn't going to end at a skirt. I had a whole dress planned out. I had taken a pattern from I dress I already had and mocked it up, even used the pattern for the bodices of two other dresses! That was until I realized that by adding a bodice to this great print would severely diminish the styling possibilities. I couldn't have that! So it ended up being this:

A full circle skirt that I can wear with whatever I like!

 Sewing went pretty quickly. Since I had started the skirt ages ago the seams had all been sewn and all I had to do was finishing really. I eyeballed the evenness of the hem, pinked the center back seam and did cheaters flat felled seams for the side seams. Since the skirt was made out of a bed sheet I just kept the hems on the sides, pressed it over the raw edges and stitched down, simple as pie!

 The waistband is a pretty simple self enclosed thing with hooks and eyes and snaps and a placket. I personally prefer this closure to a zipper on a skirt like this because I think it lies better and is easier to adjust if need be but to each their own. I did end up having to redo the waistband after finishing it. Apparently my measurements and extremely quick try of it on before had were off and it ended up a little uncomfortably tight. It was a quick fix and it fits like a dream now!
Simple but effective 1/2" narrow hem. The first line of stitching makes pressing up on the circle so much easier!

That's all for this week folks!
Be sure to check back next week where, hopefully, I will have an entry into Seamstress Erin's bow-neck blouse sew along!!